US DESMO - A Ducati Club for the United States

A Club Called US DESMO

US DESMO is a gathering of rider enthusiasts whose common interest is to safely promote Italian motorcycles. You do not have to own a Ducati to join, all are welcome. You do not have to join to participate in a club event but members do get a discount. The club's efforts are in the Southeastern United States. We have four area rallies in the Blue Ridge Mountains and a combined Italian car and motorcycle show in Charlotte, NC. Please revisit this web site for more information on membership, rallies, shows and other events to come. We always welcome like-minded riders to become members and volunteers!

If you wish to join US DESMO, you may use this Adobe Acrobat application form or join online. If you have questions and comments contact Jim Calandro at

USDESMO dues and renewals are $30 per calendar year. Join us now!

Mark your calendars now!

Event Schedule 2024

Thirtieth Annual Ducks Along The Blue Ridge Rally (DABR)

May 3-5, Mount Airy, North Carolina
More info...
Here is the event flier. Please print it out and post it where it needs to be posted!
Register and pay online using PayPal or a credit card!

Eighth Annual Ducks in the Shenandoah Valley (DSV)

June 7-9, Wytheville, Virginia
More info...
Here is the event flier. Please print it out and post it where it needs to be posted!
Register and pay online using PayPal or a credit card!

Nineteenth Annual Ducks Head West Rally (DHW)

August 2-4, Erwin, Tennessee
More info...
Here is the event flier. Please print it out and post it where it needs to be posted!
Register and pay online using PayPal or a credit card!

Thirtieth Annual Ducks Fly South Rally (DFS)

September 27-29, Murphy, North Carolina
More info...
Here is the event flier. Please print it out and post it where it needs to be posted!
Register and pay online using PayPal or a credit card!

Register for any or all of these rallys using this Acrobat form: Rally Registration Form
Print it out or fill it out electronically.

Barber Vintage Festival

October 10-13, Barber Motorsports Park, Leeds, Alabama
(Not an official US DESMO event but still great fun!)
More info...


Seventeenth Annual Motori Italiani

October 5, 2024, 11am to 3pm, Winthrop University Coliseum, 1162 Eden Terrace, Rock Hill, SC 29730
(Joint event with CAFE, the Charlotte Ferrari club.)
Here is the event flier. Please print it out and post it where it needs to be posted!

Updated 08/19/24.

Subscribe to the US Desmo iCal calendar

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Web Calendar link....

As we add information and other events, your calendar app should automatically update with the latest information. Google calendar and others may require other methods.

Notes on Rallys

Our rallies are a three day affair. They start on Friday, although many have started to come earlier. Anyone who arrives early finds no one at the hotel. There is a reason for this, we have gone riding! After all we do try to hold the rallies in some of he best east coast riding areas. The formal part of the event starts Friday around 5:30 PM when registration is opened up in the hotel’s meeting room. Yes we use a hotel not a camp ground. We ride mostly sports bikes and a good bed and remote are essential after a long day on the mountain back roads! At registration you receive your event commemorative item; you did preregister so you would get one? We also pass out the door prize ticket, route map, event schedule, and ask you to sign a liability release. Pizza and soda are available around 6 PM. Most sit down to meet new friends or renew old acquaintances. Many adjourn to the parking lot to examine each other’s bikes and tell lies about how fast they are.

Saturday is the start of what we all came for “The Ride”! We try to keep the route on two lane back country roads with a maximum amount of turns and a minimum amount of straights. All of our current rally locations have this type of road in abundance. If you have not ridden in the Blue Ridge Mountains words alone do not do it justice. If you have been there before, then you know. The routes are about 200 to 250 miles long and have a lunch destination. A modest meal is best because you want to remain sharp for the rest of your ride. Driving off the side of a mountain is sure to leave a scar. On the return section of one of our rides we even have a mandatory rest stop. All that blood that should be powering your brain is digesting you food.

Back at the hotel we get cleaned up and head to the hotel meeting room for our buffet. Italian food is the bill of fare of course. Not just spaghetti with a little tomato sauce but Lasagna and baked Ziti or sometimes a different main course, salad, garlic bread and a desert. The best part of the dinner is always the door prizes and awards. The door prizes are provided by many of the local dealers. The awards are usually spontaneous and involve things like the best save, or the bent fork award. Needless to say a lot of good-natured kidding goes along with any award like that.

Sunday is a mix bag of tricks. If you have a long trip home then you load up and head out. About half of our rally participants trailer to the event. For those who ride, the Multistrada is their favorite choice. If you are not pressed for time we head out for breakfast taking some roads not yet ridden. There is only one way to find out if you would enjoy all this and that is to come and ride with us.

There will be door prizes as usual. If the weather permits we will try to have it outdoors. As always we are open to suggestions on how to make this event as safe as possible.

il Capo

Join the US DESMO Facebook group for a lively discussion!

US Desmo